Friday, 4 June 2010

Mysore Pak

Mysore pak is a sweet dish of Karnataka made of generous amounts of ghee.We love the Mysore Paks from Shree Krishna Sweets  in Chennai who make one of the best melt-in-your-mouth Mysore paks.Watch out if you are 
on diet ;-)

What you need for Mysore Pak:
  • Besan - 1 cup
  • Sugar - 1/2 cup
  • Ghee - 1/2 cup
  • Cardamom - 2 powdered
The preparation method:
  • Heat water in a pan and add sugar in to it.Boil well till the sugar paav  thickens. Add the powdered cardamom.
  • Add the besan and ghee in to it.Keep stirring till big bubbles starts forming.Reduce the heat and cook till the mixture becomes little dry.
  • Pour the mixture in to a ghee coated pan and allow it to cool.
  • Cut the mysore paav in to desired pieces.
  • Yummy Mysore Pak is ready to be melted in your mouth :-)


  1. how much water should i take to dissolve sugar.and wht should be the sugar syrup consistency before adding besan flour.

  2. Hi Madhu.Thanks for dropping by! Hope you liked our cooking blog. We used 1 cup of water for 1/2 cup of sugar. The sugar must have completely dissolved in the water.Drop a bit of the sugar syrup in the bowl of cold water. The syrup should instantly settle at the bottom and when moved with a finger should form a round lump inside the water. Hope this helps !
